Anastasia Shihabi

Anastasia Shihabi

PhD student, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB)


Anastasia Shihabi obtained a Bachelor's degree in Life Sciences (Licence Science de la Vie) and an international Master's Degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology, specializing in Developmental Biology, both from Sorbonne University.

She first joined the lab for her Master's 2 6-month internship and continued in the lab for her PhD, starting from October 2023. The project of her internship as well as her PhD is to understand how deregulation of cortical tension during oocyte development can impact mouse oocyte development. Indeed, it was previously shown in the lab that cortical tension has to be tightly regulated to allow optimal oocyte development, and that too little cortical tension may result in abnormal oocyte development, such as aneuploidy.

In parallel to her research project, she is involved in scientific mediation for the general public through her doctorale mission, working at the Palais de la Découverte and also participating in La Fête de la Science, hosted at the Collège de France every year.