
Born on September 27, 1948, Alain de Libera studied at the Sorbonne and went on to teach psychology at the École normale d'instituteurs in Quimper (1972-1975), where he was first certified (1971) then agrégé in philosophy (1972). In 1975, he joined the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), first as a research associate, then as a research fellow at the Centre d'Études des Religions du Livre, a laboratory of the École Pratique des Hautes Études associated with the CNRS. In 1985, he was elected Director of Studies in the5th Section (Religious Sciences) of the EPHE, directing studies in the history of Christian theologies in the medieval West, formerly the history of doctrines and dogmas (Étienne Gilson), then the history of medieval theologies (Paul Vignaux and René Roques). In 1997, he was appointed Professor of History of Medieval Philosophy at the University of Geneva. Elected Professor at the Collège de France in 2012, Mr. de Libera held a chair there, with the same title, until 2019.

Alain de Libera has previously taught at a number of institutions. Lecturer at the University of Paris-X Nanterre, lecturer at the École normale supérieure Ulm-Sèvres, associate professor at the University of Padua, several times lecturer at the Universities of Fribourg (Switzerland) and Neuchâtel, associate professor at the University of Lugano, associate professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, guest professor at the Universities of Moscow and Saint Petersburg (Franco-Russian College), he has held the Francqui Chair for Foreigners (1993-1994, University of Liège), the Cardinal-Mercier Chair (1997, Faculty of Philosophy, Catholic University of Louvain), the Étienne Gilson Chair (2000, Catholic Institute of Paris), the Perelmann Chair (2010, Free University of Brussels), the Gastprofessur für französische Literatur und Kultur (2012, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich).

He has directed several research groups in France and Switzerland, including the CNRS RCP 800, Le Néoplatonisme médiéval. Albert le Grand et son école (1985-1993), CNRS GDR 0800, Histoire de la psychologie ancienne et médiévale (1993-1998), FNS projects Signification et référence dans les " Sophismata " (University of Geneva, 2001-2005), Translatio Studiorum. La réception de la philosophie arabo-musulmane dans l'Occident médiéval latin (2003-2007) and Sémantique formelle et langage naturel au XIIIesiècle (2010-2012). He also co-edited Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie: 12. Jahrhundert (Ueberweg) with R. Imbach, Paris-IV Sorbonne, Th. Ricklin, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich and L. Cesalli, Unige, then CNRS).

He has held various posts, including member of the philosophy commission of the Centre national du livre (1988-1992), member of the bureau of the Comité national du CNRS, section 35 (1991-1995), member of the Conseil national de coordination des sciences de l'homme et de la société (2001-2002), vice-president of the Société internationale pour l'étude de la philosophie médiévale (2002-2012), and member of the philosophy, psychoanalysis and religious studies commission of the Centre national du livre (2008-2010).

Selected bibliography

  • de Libera A., Brenet J.-B. and Rosier-Catach I. (dir.), Dante et l'averroïsme, Paris, Les Belles Lettres/The Collège de France Publishing Department, coll. "Docet omnia", 2019.

  • de Libera A., L'archéologie philosophique. Collège de France seminar 2013-2014, Paris, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2016, 267 p.