The Collège de France's 2023 prize for young researchers has been awarded to Naveen Kanalu Ramamurthy, Senior Lecturer at EHESS, where he holds the chair Pour une histoire institutionnelle de l'Empire moghol :Droit, pouvoir et économie politique en Asie du Sud (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles).
For its second edition, the prize, endowed with 20 000 euros and an invitation to give a lecture at the Collège de France, had as its theme " Rencontres des civilisations ".
The jury, chaired by Dario Mantovani, Professor at the Collège de France and holder of the Law, Culture and Society in Ancient Romechair, had to choose between a number of very worthy entries.
After deliberation, Naveen Kanalu Ramamurthy was singled out in particular for the richness of his scientific career and the multiplicity of disciplines (economics, philosophy, history, law) which interact within his work, thus responding perfectly to the theme of the meeting of civilizations but also of knowledge.
At every stage of his career, he has been able to draw on his knowledge of fifteen languages, both spoken and researched, to produce extremely solid studies, with a gradual broadening of his methods and research subjects. His thesis, currently being published, focuses on the institutional history of the Mughal Empire, particularly in the 17th-18th centuries. His current and future studies will benefit from the discovery of some 200 000 archival documents at the Rajasthan State Archives in Bikaner, India.
Since September 2022,Naveen Kanalu Ramamurthy has been a senior lecturer at the Centre de recherches historiques, an EHESS and CNRS laboratory (UMR 8558).
The prize will be awarded on November 14 2023 at a public ceremony at the Collège de France, in the presence of the Minister of Higher Education and Research, Mme Sylvie Retailleau.
Naveen Kanalu Ramamurthy will give a lecture at the Collège de France on December 14 2023.