Published on 26 May 2008

Typologies of terrorism and community(ies) of values, June 4, 2008

Joint study day with the Chair of Contemporary History of the Arab World and the Chair of Comparative Legal Studies and the Internationalization of Law

june 4, 2008

Collège de France
Amphithéâtre Halbwachs
11, place Marcelin Berthelot
75005 Paris

Terrorism is a highly topical issue, mobilizing not only political actors, but also the various fields of social science, to understand the meanings attributed to it and the practices it takes on.
The historical and legal aspects of terrorism are the subject of the theoretical reflection undertaken during the course of the day by the chairs of Professors Mireille Delmas Marty (Comparative Legal Studies and Internationalization of Law) and Henry Laurens (History of the Contemporary Arab World), who invite jurists and historians to take part in the debate.
The historical section will attempt a historical typology of terrorism, based on the construction of nation-states and forms of political protest. The aim is to identify the shifts and diversity of forms of political violence over time.
For the legal section, the approach will be to examine current definitions of terrorism from a critical perspective, drawing on different branches of domestic and international law. The aim is to identify transformations, from criminal repression to the war on terrorism, in the light of the emergence of a global community of values.

Session I: A historical typology of terrorism

9h15-9h55 Henry LAURENS, Professor at the Collège de France
Terrorism as a historical figure

9h55-10h05 Discussion

10h05-10h45 Hamit BOZARSLAN, Director of Studies, EHESS
From revolutionary action to ruling "gangs": Ottoman komtajiliks at the turn of the 20th century

10h45-11h55 Discussion

10:55-11:10 a.m. Break

11h10- 11h50 Barbara LAMBAUER, Researcher, I.E.P. Paris
Terrorism in Nazi Germany and its repression, 1939-1945

11h50- 12h00 Discussion

12h00- 13h30 Break

Session II: Terrorism under national, regional and international law

13h30- 14h10 Mireille DELMAS-MARTY, Professor at the Collège de France
Legal typology of terrorism: hardening of particularisms or emergence of a global community of values?

14h10-14h20 Discussion

14h20-15h00 Stefano MANACORDA, Professor at the University of Naples II
The European Union's approach to terrorism

15h00- 15h10 Discussion

15h10- 15h50 Michel ROSENFELD, Professor at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Blaise Pascal Chair
Terrorism and comparative constitutional law

15h50-16h00 Discussion

16h00- 16h10 Break

16h10- 16h50 Emmanuel DECAUX, Professor at the University of Paris II - Panthéon Assas
Terrorism and international human rights law

16h50- 17h00 Discussion

17h00- 17h30 Mireille DELMAS-MARTY and Henry LAURENS