
Tuesday, November 16, 2010, Colloque Ponce Pilate organized by Pr. Ossola

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

9:30-13:00: Pontius Pilate. Stories, traditions, myths
- Carlo Ossola, Collège de France - Giacomo Jori, Université de la Vallée d'Aoste
A few words of introduction
- John Scheid, Collège de France
Pontius Pilate, Roman official
- Gilbert Dagron, Collège de France
"Pilate après Pilate: les juifs, l'Empire, les images" (Pilate after Pilate: the Jews, the Empire, images)
- Madeleine Scopello, CNRS, Paris
Pilate and women
- Francesco Zambon, University of Trento (Italy)
Pilate and the Grail. The figure of Pontius Pilate from the "Gospel of Nicodemus" to Robert de Boron's "Joseph of Arimathea"

15:00-17:30: The Indici (1965-1989) of the Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa and religious history after the Second Vatican Council
Lectures by :
- Agostino Paravicini Baglioni, University of Lausanne (Switzerland) and Director of the Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia
- Jean-Louis Quantin, EPHE, Paris

Contributions by :
- Giorgio Cracco, University of Turin (Italy), Director of the Istituto per le Ricerche di Storia Sociale Religiosa
- Carlo Ossola

The Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa was founded in 1965 by a small group of professors from the University of Turin, including Michele Pellegrino, who later became bishop of Turin and then cardinal, and one of the protagonists of the post-Vatican II Council. It is now directed by an international curatorium that includes two professors from the Collège de France (Gilbert Dagron and Carlo Ossola). The publication in 2010 of the highly detailed Indici of the first 25 years of work, plus a monographic fascicle devoted to Pontius Pilate, provides an opportunity for an in-depth historiographical debate on religious studies in Europe after the Second Vatican Council.