
The power of peace in Europe

Collège de France's Europe Cycle
Watercolor of Europe (Ukraine, monotype © G.C.)

On March 29 , April 5 , April 12 and April 13 2023, Stella Ghervas, Professor of Russian and European History at Newcastle University (UK), will give the four spring lectures in the Collège de France's Europe cycle.

In 2022-2023, this cycle will be devoted to the theme of Peace and Power in Europe. It is common to consider the political idea of Europe as inseparable from that of peace. This age-old project of pursuing a peaceful European (and then world) order, notably through the law, should be of interest to us at a time when the Europe-power discourse is asserting itself in a context of rebalancing of powers in the world, and when security and defense issues are regularly invited into European debates, particularly in France. The cycle will host the first series of lectures on the same theme by Perry Anderson in autumn 2022.