On October 1 and 2, 2008, a one-day conference on the theme of "The Middle East, a French passion? From the 'Six-Day War' to 'Black September'" aim to understand how the Arab-Israeli conflict, during one of its most vivid phases, influenced French public debate and contributed to the emergence of new questions, and even new realities. Between June 1967 and September 1970, the image of Israel in France changed. General de Gaulle's policies, the emergence of a Palestinian resistance and that of a French Jewish community all contributed to transforming the perception of the conflict and the issues at stake.
It was at this point that a cleavage emerged that cut across all political, intellectual and cultural formations. The Middle East became a key issue in domestic politics. The symposium is structured around four sessions: French diplomacy in the Arab-Israeli conflict of June 1967; The emergence of a French "Jewish community"; Resistance groups and the Palestinian question; Activism and the Palestinian cause. Over two days, it will bring together diplomats and politicians, journalists, activists and historians, all involved in their own way in this "French passion". download the program

Collège de France