
The legal imagination, collective representations, habits and customs

Conversation with Alain Supiot about Montesquieu

In 1721, Montesquieu drew a critical portrait of his times in Lettres persanes. Under the guise of a factitious foreign viewpoint, he already manifested the spirit of the laws that would occupy him so much a few years later. On the occasion of the tercentenary of the publication of this epistolary novel, rather than a preface, Alain Supiot has chosen to address six letters to the philosopher of the Enlightenment, to discuss his bestseller three centuries after its first publication. Nouvelles du XXIe siècle à l'attention de l'auteur des Lettres persanes testifies to the lawyer and Collège de France professor's interest in the diversity of collective imaginations and representations.

Interview by Stéphane Rozès and Arnaud Benedetti.

Supiot A., "  L'imaginaire juridique, représentations collectives, usus et coutumes ", Revue politique et parlementaire, janvier-mars 2022, n° 1102, p. 27-40.