Published on 24 March 2020

Solidarity with hospitals: the Collège de France takes action!

march 24, 2020

The Collège de France has donated personal protective equipment and chemicals for the production of hydroalcoholic gel to AP-HP hospitals. Thanks to the initiative of teams from the biology, chemistry and physics laboratories, the Collège de France has been able to contribute to the chain of solidarity with hospital staff.

50,500 pairs of gloves, 2,500 items of protective clothing, 1,600 masks, 130 liters of ethanol and 2.5 liters of glycerol were made available by the Collège de France teams, and transported today Tuesday March 24 by hospital couriers to the AP-HP logistics center in Kremlin-Bicêtre and to the Avicenne hospital center.

We would like to express our gratitude to the laboratory directors and, above all, to the young researchers mobilized on the Marcelin-Berthelot site as part of the business continuity plan, for having taken initiatives that enable the Collège de France community to make its contribution and support its hospital colleagues, and to demonstrate in a concrete way its solidarity with the staff who are on the front line in dealing with this health crisis.

Our warmest thanks go to the teams at the Laboratoire de chimie de la matière condensée headed by Christian Bonhomme, the Laboratoire de chimie du solide et de l'énergie headed by Jean-Marie Tarascon, the Laboratoire de chimie des processus biologiques headed by Marc Fontecave, the Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel headed by Antoine Heidmann and the Centre interdisciplinaire de biologie headed by Marie-Hélène Verlhac.