Published on 20 September 2018

September 27: Les rendez-vous de l'actualité at the Arab World Institute

In partnership with the Collège de France, iReMMO, AFP and France Médias Monde, the Institut du Monde Arabe is launching a new event to decipher current affairs.

Connected to the flow of information, the Rendez-vous de l'actualité is a moment of deciphering, exchange and perspective for all, on the latest events in the Arab world. Set a few days before the event, the subject, question or event discussed will be taken from the region's immediate news, so as to be as close as possible to what's happening.

Thursday September 27 at 7pm:

"Is Russia at the heart of the Middle East game?

While the conflicts in Syria and the destabilization of Iraq persist, putting neighboring Turkey in a difficult position, while once-permanent state cooperation is being transformed, while Middle Eastern geopolitics is being turned upside down, one power stands out for its constancy: Russia. In recent years, Russia's investment in the Middle East has grown to the point where it has become a key player in the region's diplomatic and military negotiations. Has Russia become the central pivot in the Middle East? What are the consequences for warring countries and their neighbors, such as Turkey and Iran? Is Vladimir Putin turning into the Middle East's "Little Father of the Peoples"?


  • Hamit Bozarslan, Director of Studies at EHESS, Centre for Turkish, Ottoman, Balkan and Central Asian Studies (CETOBAC)

Hamit Bozarslan holds a doctorate in history and political science, and was a research fellow at the Centre Marc Bloch (1995-1997) and a visiting fellow at Princeton University (1998). Elected Senior Lecturer at EHESS in 1998, then Director of Studies at the same institution in 2006, he co-directed, with Daniel Rivet and Jean-Philippe Bras, the IISMM (Institut d'Etudes de l'Islam et des Sociétés du monde musulman) between 2002 and 2008. He is the author of Histoire de la Turquie, de l'Empire à nos jours (2015, Tallandier) and Les kurdes, l'autre conflit du Moyen-Orient (2009, Autrement). He is also a member of the editorial boards of the journals Cultures et Conflits and Critique internationale. He is a member of the Société asiatique.

  • Agnès Levallois, Middle East consultant and vice-president of iReMMO

Agnès Levallois is a graduate of the Institut des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) and holds a DEA (post-graduate diploma) from the IEP de Paris on the contemporary Arab world. She currently teaches at ENA and Sciences Po Paris. Previously Middle East analyst at the General Secretariat for National Defense, then head of the Arab and Persian World Office at the Ministry of Defense's Strategic Affairs Delegation, she was director of information and programs at RMC Middle East, then deputy editorial director at France 24, in charge of Arabic-language content. She has contributed to several books, including Ilym, Irak, Libye, Yémen médias, Quel rôle pour les médias dans les pays en crise? (L'Harmattan, 2017) and Iran, Arabie saoudite : une guerre froide (revue Confluences Méditerranée, L'Harmattan, 2016).

  • Karim Talbi, deputy Europe editor at AFP

A former student of Russian at INALCO, and of history at the Sorbonne (Panthéon-Sorbonne Paris I), a graduate of the Centre de formation des journalistes (CFJ), Karim Talbi has been a correspondent in Russia for over ten years, including as AFP's chief editor from 2014. He has also been stationed in Baghdad and Kabul, and covered the war in Libya and the start of the conflict in Syria.

Hosted by :

  • Pierre Haski, journalist, Geopolitical columnist for France Inter and L'Obs, Co-founder of Rue89 and President of Reporters sans Frontières (RSF)