
Roger de Spoelberch Foundation Prize

Sonia Garel at the Roger de Spoelberch Foundation Awards in March 2025

The Roger de Spoelberch Foundation Award was presented to Pr Sonia Garel onMarch24 2025 at the Collège de France.

The Roger de Spoelberch Foundation is a Geneva-based foundation whose mission is to fund and encourage research and assistance in neurodegenerative diseases, psychiatric illnesses and mental health in general.

The Foundation aims to encourage medical and scientific research to accelerate the discovery of new ways of combating the above-mentioned diseases. To this end, it awards an annual prize, the " Prix Roger de Spoelberch ", to a research project carried out in European university hospitals.

Sonia Garel is a neurobiologist and professor at the Collège de France, where she holds the Neurobiology and the Immune System chair. She co-directs the " Neuroimmune interactions " teamat the Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en biologie (CIRB) and also heads the " Brain development and plasticity "teamat the Institut de biologie de l'École normale supérieure in Paris. His research focuses on the mechanisms that regulate the assembly of forebrain neuronal circuits during embryogenesis and postnatal development, with a particular interest in interactions with the immune system and the environment.