Published on 4 February 2008

Rencontres du Livre de sciences humaines

The Rencontres du livre de sciences humaines et sociales are back !

Following the resounding success of the first Rencontres du Livre de sciences humaines last February, the MSH Foundation, with the support of the 4th arrondissement town hall and numerous institutional and professional partners, has decided to repeat the event from February 22 to 24 2008.

Speakers will includeM. Bloch, M. Bouveresse and M. Picq.

The formula that contributed to the success of the first edition remains the same : We'll be able to meet with well-known publishers (such as La Découverte, Armand Colin, PUF, Albin Michel...) but we'll also discover many younger ones, highly innovative in their fields. Both private and public publishing will be represented (notably with the strong community of university presses). Numerous conferences and round tables will be on offer to take stock of advances in knowledge, or to debate issues that closely affect our societies : Meritocracy and republican egalitarianism ; Literature and conflict ; Morality, between freedom and dignity ? ; Man and the animal ; The child and social control ; Representations and manipulations of poverty ; The manufacture of conformism ; Globalized world and the mutation of knowledge, etc. As in previous years, the event will take place at the Espace d'animation des Blancs-Manteaux, an ideal venue in terms of size and location.

This second edition also seemed to be conducive to the creation of new encounters : firstly, more open to new technologies, with the presence of reference portals and online services (such as Cairn, Persée, ; secondly, more inter-professional, with two debates, one on translation, the other on the links between private and public publishing. Finally, the Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme is delighted to open the RLSH to non-French-speaking publishers, and this year will be welcoming five Spanish and Latin American publishers, among the best in their field: Alianza, Gedisa, Paidós, Siglo XXI and Trotta.
This year's Rencontres will be an opportunity for many exchanges and discoveries. Don't forget to book your weekend !

friday, February 22, 2008 from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. - Saturday, February 23 and Sunday, February 24, 2008 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m

  • Espace des Blancs-Manteaux
    48, rue Vieille-du-Temple
    75004 Paris