Published on 4 September 2014

Readings abroad

Program subject to change


- Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn-Chaire Ernst Robert Curtius*
Christine Petit, Chair of Genetics and Cell Physiology, will give in autumn 2014,
1 lecture and 1 seminar on : Sound frequency perception and its impairment.

- University of Cologne
Édouard Bard, Climate and Ocean Evolution Chair, will give in Fall 2014, 1 lecture on: Climate Changes during the Holocene.


- Universidad Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires
Stanislas Dehaene, Experimental Cognitive Psychology Chair, will give in March 2015,
2 lectures and 2 seminars on : Symbols in the Brain.

- Universidad Nacional San Martín, Buenos Aires
Roger Chartier, Chair of Writing and Cultures in Modern Europe, will give 2 lectures in May 2015 on : La cronica y la comedia. Fuente Ovejuna de Lope de Vega and 1 seminar on: Textos sin fronteras. Castiglione, Las Casas, Gracián.


- Austrian Academy of Sciences*
Jean Dalibard, Chair Atoms and Radiation, will give in December 2014, 2 lectures and
1 seminar on :
1. Quantum gases in reduced dimensions
2. Artificial gauge fields.

-University of Vienna -International Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematics and Physics
Alain Connes, Chair of Analysis and Geometry, will give 3 lectures in March 2015 on : Le Site Arithmétique.

-Académie Royale des Sciences de Belgique - Collège Belgique*
Carlo Ossola, Chaire Littératures modernes de l'Europe néolatine, will give 2 lectures on: Paradigms for a metaphorology. Le végétal est le modèle de l'homme.

- Latin American Institute for Advanced Studies, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre)
Anne Cheng, Chair of Chinese Intellectual History, will give 2 lectures in April 2015 on: Confucianism and Democracy and 2 lectures on: Chinese Views of Universality.

- Université Laval - Québec
ClémentSanchez, Chair in Hybrid Materials Chemistry, will give in spring 2015,
3 lectures and 2 seminars on : Towards bio-inspired soft chemistry.

Pierre-Michel Menger, Sociology of Creative Work Chair, will give on October 7 and 8, 2014, 2 lectures and 2 seminars on:
1. The star system in science, the arts and business: the benefits and costs of dual loyalty
2. Gratuities and remuneration in the arts and academic professions - inequalities and tolerance of inequalities.

- Université de Montréal
Pierre-Michel Menger, Chair Sociology of Creative Work, will give on October 9, 2014,
1 lecture and 1 seminar on: Liaisons et déliaisons entre les fonctions d'enseignement et de recherche: une sociologie du travail académique.

- University of British Columbia - Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies*
Serge Haroche, Quantum Physics Chair, will give 2 lectures on: Exploring the Quantum: Atoms, Cavities and Photons.

- JiaoTong University, Shanghai, School of Medicine, French-speaking section
Hugues de Thé, Chair of Cellular and Molecular Oncology, will give 2 lectures in May 2015 on :
1. Historical approaches to cell transformation
2. Promyelocytic leukemia, a model for cure by targeted therapies.

-Beijing Medical School
Christine Petit, Chair of Genetics and Cell Physiology will give 1 lecture and 1 seminar in Fall 2014 on: The Significance of the Audiological Test Revised in the Light of Recent Findings on Hereditary Deafness.

-Fudan University*
Thomas Römer, Chair The Hebrew Bible and its Contexts, will give, in Spring 2015, 3 lectures on: The Invention of Yahweh and the Yahwism.

- Korea University, Seoul
Michel Zink, Chair of Medieval French Literature, will give on October 20-22, 2014,
3 lectures on: 1. Choosing simplicity and choosing hermeticism in French and Occitan lyric poetry (12th - 13th centuries)
2. The wisdom of the simple: the literary art of medieval religious tales;
3. Observations on the poetry of François Villon: effusion, dissimulation and silence.

-Brown University Providence
Thomas Römer, Chair of The Hebrew Bible and its Contexts, will give 4 lectures from February 2 to 11, 2015 on: The Wilderness Traditions in the Hebrew Bible.

- Tulane University, New Orleans
Michel Zink, Chaire Littératures de la France médiévale, will give in March 2015, 1 lecture on: Chansons de femmes.

- New York University - Institute for the Study of the Ancient World
Frantz Grenet, Chaire Histoire et culture de l'Asie centrale pré-islamique, will give on November 10 and 11, 2014, 2 lectures on: Recent Advances in Research on Iranian and Central Asian Silverware.

- Collège Eötvös, Budapest
Michel Zink, Chaire Littératures de la France médiévale, will give on November 24, 2014,
1 lecture on : Why is the Grail a novelistic subject?

- National Institute of Oceanography (Goa)
Édouard Bard, Climate and Ocean Evolution Chair will give in spring 2015, 3 lectures on: Paleoclimate Records of the Monsoon.

- Tata Institute for Social Sciences (Bombay)
Anne Cheng, Chair Chinese Intellectual History, will give in October 2014, 2 lectures on: The Confucian Concept of Humane Governance.

- University of Bologna
Frantz Grenet, Chair History and Culture of Pre-Islamic Central Asia, will give in spring 2015, 2 lectures on: Recent discoveries and approaches to Zoroastrian iconography.

- University of Trento*
Jean-Pierre Brun, Chair of Techniques and Economies in the Ancient Mediterranean, will give 2 lectures in spring 2015 on: Vie carovaniere e porti del mar Rosso: nuovi dati sul commercio Eritreo and
2 seminars on : Coltura materiale e vita dei soldati e negiocianti nel deserto egiziano.

Pierre Rosanvallon, Chair Modern and Contemporary History of Politics, will give 2 lectures on October 13 and 14, 2014 on: Democracy in the 21st century, I and II.

Clément Sanchez, Chair in Hybrid Materials Chemistry, will give in spring 2015,
3 lectures and 2 seminars on: Advanced Inorganic and Hybrid Materials: Chemistry, Processing, Applications.

- University of Iceland
Michel Zink, Chaire Littératures de la France médiévale will give on September 16 and 17, 2014, 1 lecture on : Sense and Sensuality in Chrétien's Erec et Enide and 1 seminar on: Le temps du poème et le temps de la prose: les manuscrits des troubadours de langue d'oc.

- University of Rabat*
Pierre Rosanvallon, Chair in Modern and Contemporary History of Politics will give 2 lectures on April 13 and 14, 2015, on: Les inaccomplissements de la démocratie, I et II.

- University of Lisbon*
Serge Haroche, Chair Quantum Physics, will give 2 lectures on: Exploring the Quantum: Atoms, Cavities and Photons.

-Charles University Prague (Faculty of Letters) - Institute of Czech History
Alain de Libera, Chair History of Medieval Philosophy, will give 1 lecture in April 2015 on : Philosophical archaeology and deconstruction and 1 seminar on: The subject of action. Philosophical anthropology and Christology.

- University of Oxford
Jean-Pierre Brun, Chair Techniques and Economies in the Ancient Mediterranean will give on October 29, 2014, 1 lecture on: The Excavations of the Roman fort of Xeron Pelagos (Eastern Desert of Egypt), on November 26, 2014, 1 lecture on: The Ceramic Assemblages in the Roman Forts along the Routes to Myos Hormos and to Berenike and in spring 2015, 2 lectures on:
1.Textile, Leather and Organic Remains in the Roman Forts along the Routes to Myos Hormos and to Berenike
2. The Monitoring of the Routes to Myos Hormos and to Berenike and the Erythrean Trade during the Roman Empire.

- University of Oxford and Maison française d'Oxford*
Edith Heard, Epigenetics and Cellular Memory Chair, will give in January 2015, 1 lecture on : Chromatinand Cellular Memory.

- Sholokhov Moscow State University
Alain Supiot, Chair Social State and Globalization: Legal Analysis of Solidarities, will give 2 lectures on May 26 and 28, 2015, on :
1. Work, law and technology
2. The refeodalization of law.

- Uppsala University*
Edith Heard, Epigenetics and Cellular Memory Chair, will give 1 lecture in January 2015 on : Chromatinand Cellular Memory.

Jean-Louis Mandel, Chair of Human Genetics, will give 2 lectures in spring 2015, on : Genetics of Intellectual Disability and Autism:
1. From the Identification of Genes Implicated to Actual Diagnosis in Patients
2. From Genes to Improved Medical Care: the Difficult Path to Personalized Medicine.

- University of Fribourg
Alain Supiot, Chaire État social et mondialisation : analyse juridique des solidarités, will give 2 lectures on October 9-10, 2014, on :
1. The normative structure of science
2. From planning to the economic analysis of law.

- University of Lausanne*
Pierre Rosanvallon, Chaire Histoire moderne et contemporaine du politique will give on October 7 and 8, 2014, 2 lectures: De la transparence en démocratie: histoire et théorie, I et II.

- University of Tunis
Christine Petit, Chair of Genetics and Cellular Physiology, will give in fall 2014,
1 lecture on : La surdité liée à la surxposition au bruit : mécanismes pathogéniques et perspectives thérapeutiquesand 1 seminar on: La maladie de Ménière : recherche des facteurs génétiques.

*Under an agreement signed with Collège de France