
Publication of the opening lecture by Pr Nalini Anantharaman

Print edition
Cover of the printed edition of Nalini Anantharaman's opening lecture

Nalini Anantharaman

Spectral stories

" One of the raisons d'être of Spectral Geometry is this need we have to retain a sense-based intuition, and therefore to establish links between our geometric vision and spectral objects . "

In the years 1920, a mathematical theory (thediagonalization of matrices) and a physical question (the determination of the spectrum of atoms), born independently, came together to give birth to quantum mechanics and the branch of mathematics known as spectral theory  ". The latter is involved in any linear evolution equation , whose solutions it decomposes into a superposition ofstationary solutions known as eigenmodes ", which vibrate at eigenfrequencies " : these frequencies constitute the " spectrum ".
Situated at the intersection of severalmathematical communities , Spectral Geometry aims to understand the link between the initial geometry of an object and its vibration spectrum . The author traces the history of this very active fieldthrough some major past and present research themes .

Anantharaman N., Histoires de spectres, Paris, Collège de France/Fayard, coll. " Leçons inaugurales ",no 314, avril 2023, 96 p.

ISBN : 978-2-213-72552-9
Price : 12 €
Publication : 19 April 2023

Nalini Anantharaman is mathematician, member of l'Académie des sciences and winner of the prix Poincaré. Her work aimsto describe geometrically the propagationof waves. Shewas appointed in 2022 professor of the Collège de France, holder of la chair SpectralGeometry .