
Publication of Prof. Alain Supiot's opening lecture

Print edition
Couverture de l'édition imprimée de la leçon inaugurale du Pr Alain Supiot

Alain Supiot

The greatness and misery of the welfare state

" The legal history of the construction of the social state gives an idea of its greatness. But this debonair sovereign, tolerant of contestation and responsible for the well-being of his subjects, seems today to be struck by misery. Exposed to systemic financial risks as a result of the opening up of its trade borders, it is seeing its resources eroded and its burdens increase. Worrying doctors are rushing to its bedside. Some are prescribing bloodletting after bloodletting, while others are already drawing up his death certificate. Rather than this lethal medicine, what we need is a precise diagnosis of the social state. "

Supiot A., Grandeur et misère de l'État social, Paris, Collège de France/Fayard, coll. " Leçons inaugurales du Collège de France ", mai 2013, 64 p.

ISBN : 978-2-2136-7771-2
Price : 10,20 €
Publication : May 22 2013

Alain Supiot is a lawyer specializing in labor law, and founder of the Institut français d'études avancées in Nantes. He directs the collection Poids et mesures du monde published by Fayard. In 2012, he was appointed Professor at the Collège de France, holding the Chair of the Social State and Globalization : legal analysis of solidarity.