
Publication : Concerter les civilisations. Mélanges in honor of Alain Supiot

Under the direction of Pr Samantha Besson and Samuel Jubé

Cover of the printed edition of "Concerter les civilisations", edited by Samantha Besson and Samuel Jubé

Publication by Éditions du Seuil of the book " Concerter les civilisations. Mélanges en l'honneur d'Alain Supiot ", edited by Professor Samantha Besson, International Law of Institutions Chair, and Samuel Jubé.

This book pays tribute to Alain Supiot and his work. The theme chosen for this tribute is that of the conditions for a genuine " globalization ", based on the richness and diversity of cultures, languages and civilizations, and not on the illusory prospect of their standardization. This theme echoes many aspects of Alain Supiot's thinking and questions that are dear to his heart. It also enables us to grasp the specific nature of his work and his contribution to the human and social sciences (including, but not limited to, Law).

The contributors to this book are fellow travelers from the Institut d'études avancées de Nantes, an institute founded by Alain Supiot in 2009. Some have been with him since its inception, while others came on board later. They are : Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi ; Perry Anderson ; Augustin Berque ; Samantha Besson ; José Emilio Burucúa ; Sudhir Chandra ; Roger Chartier ; Emilios Christodoulidis ; Cristina Ciucu ; Benoît de Cornulier ; Simon Deakin ; Mireille Delmas-Marty ; Souleymane Bachir Diagne ; Abaher El Sakka ; Muriel Fabre-Magnan ; Matthew Finkin ; Matthieu Forlodou ; Étienne François ; Mark Freedland ; Adrián Goldin ; Cornélia Isler-Kerényi ; Samuel Jubé ; Jean Lassègue ; Yannick Lemarchand ; Ota de Leonardis ; Danouta Liberski-Bagnoud ; Giuseppe Longo ; Charles Malamoud ; Pierre Maréchaux ; Annie Montaut ; Suleiman Mourad ; Pierre Musso ; Pierre-Yves Narvor ; Joachim Nettelbeck ; Jeseong Park ; Jean-Noël Robert ; Supriya Routh ; Yehouda Shenhav ; Ousmane Sidibé ; Petros Stangos ; Victor I. Stoichita ; Ibrahima Thioub ; Aiqing Zheng.