
Professor Roger Guesnerie symposium, May 28 2008

Colloquium organized by Professor Roger Guesnerie, May 28 2008 at the Collège de France (Ulm site)...

The theory of macroeconomic fluctuations : Open sites

The symposium is a follow-up to the 2007-2008 lecture by the Economic Theory and Social Organization Chair, which was devoted to macroeconomic models and international trade. The aim of the symposium is to provide an overview of the latest research on macroeconomic fluctuations. Simulations, market imperfections and agents' horizons are the themes addressed in the morning, while the afternoon session focuses on the problems of price formation and expectations.


h 30 : Introduction

h  45 : Michel Juillard (PSE)
Macroeconomic simulations

10  h  30 : Xavier Ragot (PSE)
Macroeconomics and incomplete markets

11  h 15 : Break

11  h  30 : Bertrand Wigniolle (PSE, Paris I)
Generations models and macroeconomics

12  h 15 - 14  h 30 : Break

14  h  30 Arnaud Chéron (Université du Maine and EDHEC)
Macroeconomic fluctuations and the labor market

15  h  15 : Florin Bilbiie (HEC, Paris)
The new Keynesian model: recent developments

16  h 00 - 16  h 30 : Break

16:30 Roger Guesnerie (Collège de France)
Expectation coordination and macroeconomics

17  h 15 : Closing session