Published on 1 April 2020

Nearly 200 books to read online... and freely downloadable during the lockdown period

april 1st, 2020

Following a request from the Couperin Consortium and a call from several academic institutions around the world, in order to provide remote access to as much content as possible, a number of publishers have agreed to make their publications freely available. The Collège de France, like other publishers distributed by OpenEdition, is joining this movement and making all books published on OpenEdition Books freely downloadable during the containment period (PDF and Epub) from April 6, 2020.

All volumes and articles published online in theAnnuaire and La Lettre du Collège de France are also freely downloadable in all available formats (PDF and Epub).

Reading and re-reading the opening lectures

Nearly 130 opening lectures are available on OpenEdition Books, including 32 in English and 1 in Russian. Synthesizing knowledge in a particular field and opening the way to future research, these texts are often milestones in the history of science and ideas.

And other books..


With 11 books available in open access, the "Conférences" collection offers a glimpse into the abundant research activity carried out at the Collège de France.

"Closing lessons

Echoing the opening speeches delivered on their arrival at the Collège de France, the closing lectures of certain professors offer a form of conclusion to their lectures, a look back at their research career, or a very free reflection on the past, present and future of their research and the world they are trying to continue to understand and explore.

"Docet omnia

Co-published with Les Belles Lettres, the "Docet omnia" collection invites us to discover the little-known life of Mesopotamian temples, alliances in the ancient Near East, or to reread Dante or the jurists of ancient Rome from new perspectives, and to delve into thehistory of the chairs at the Collège de France.

Nearly 40 books published by chairs and institutes

"Philosophy of Knowledge" series

Published by the Metaphysics and Philosophy of Knowledge Chair, the "Philosophy of Knowledge" collection features monographs on three main themes: language and knowledge, metaphysics and knowledge, and rationality, truth and democracy (23 books available). The collection is edited by Claudine Tiercelin.

"Institut des civilisations" series

Intended to give greater visibility to the research activities of the Institut des Civilisations of the Collège de France, the "Institut des Civilisations" collection brings together several editorial series. There are currently 3 works published by the Ancient Near East division and 8 books in Mondes méditerranéens antiques. The collection is edited by Dominique Charpin.

"Passage des disciplines

Backed by the "Passage des disciplines: histoire globale du Collège de France, XIXe et XXesiècles " research program, the "Passage des disciplines" collection focuses on the birth of scientific and literary disciplines, their organization and evolution, on a national and international scale, based in particular on the history of chair renewals at the Collège de France.