Published on 28 September 2007

Mondays at the Collège de France in Aubervilliers

2007-2008 program :


A thousand years of happiness
Jean Delumeau, Honorary Professor at the Collège de France
Monday, October 8, 2007, 7 p.m
Lycée Le Corbusier d'Aubervilliers
44 rue Léopold Réchossière (Métro Quatre-Chemins, Bus 249)
Concert by the guitar classes of the Conservatoire régional 93 d'Aubervilliers-La Courneuve

From utopia to carnival: theater in the Middle Ages
Michel Zink, Professor at the Collège de France
Monday, November 12, 2007, 7 p.m
Zingaro Equestrian Theatre
176 avenue Jean Jaurès (Métro Fort d'Aubervilliers)
Free parking
Baroque slam: Cités Musiques/Destination 2055/Office municipal de la jeunesse d'Aubervilliers

Modern Utopias
Pierre Rosanvallon, Professor at the Collège de France
Monday, December 10, 2007, 7 p.m
Espace Fraternité d'Aubervilliers
10 rue de la Gare (Métro Porte de la Chapelle, Bus 65 stop Gardinoux)
Free parking
Performance dance and music: a utopia on the march

Variations on "carnaval"
Claude Hagège, Honorary Professor at the Collège de France
Monday, February 4, 2008, 7 p.m.
Lycée Le Corbusier d'Aubervilliers
44 rue Léopold Réchossière (Métro Quatre-Chemins, Bus 249)
With Joliot-Curie school choirs

Lights of Utopia
Bronislaw Baczko, Honorary Professor at the University of Geneva, Switzerland
Monday, February 18, 2008, 7 p.m
Théâtre de la Commune d'Aubervilliers
2 rue Edouard Poisson (Métro Quatre-Chemins, Bus 150, 170)
Concert by Amandine Beyer, baroque violin

Classical utopias
Luciano Canfora, Professor at the University of Bari, Italy
Monday, April 7, 2008, 7 p.m
Espace Fraternité d'Aubervilliers
10 rue de la Gare (Métro Porte de la Chapelle, Bus 65 stop Gardinoux)
Free parking
With the participation of chamber music classes, Conservatoire Régional 93 d'Aubervilliers-La Courneuve

Le carnaval de Romans au temps des guerres de religion
Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Honorary Professor at the Collège de France
Monday, May 19, 2008, 7 pm
Lycée Le Corbusier d'Aubervilliers
44 rue Léopold Réchossière (Métro Quatre-Chemins, Bus 249)
With the participation of the early music department, Conservatoire Régional 93 d'Aubervilliers-La Courneuve

The utopian worlds of Jules Verne
Michel Butor, Writer, Honorary Professor at the University of Geneva, Switzerland
Monday June 9, 2008, 7 pm
Théâtre de la Commune d'Aubervilliers
2 rue Edouard Poisson (Métro Quatre-Chemins, Bus 150, 170)
Reading directed by Didier Bezace, Théâtre Director

Concert Tuesday May 13, 2008 at 5 p.m. at the Collège de France
by teachers from Conservatoire Régional 93 d'Aubervilliers-La Courneuve (free admission without reservation)

Free admission, reservations essential for lectures on 06 21 20 59 55,
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.


Claudine Joseph - Mairie d'Aubervilliers,

Françoise Poulin - Collège de France,

With the support of Fondation Hugot du Collège de France, France Culture and Fondation EDF.