Work: Expression of the human being
2010-2011 program
The horse and man: work and nobility
Daniel Roche
Honorary Professor at the Collège de France
Chair in the History of French Enlightenment
Monday, October 4, 2010
7pm, Lycée Le Corbusier d'Aubervilliers
44, rue Léopold Réchossière (Métro Quatre-Chemins, Bus 249)
Musical program:
- Annaëlle Bensoussan (vocals), Géraldine Thébaut (flute), Anne Mazeau (piano)
Two poems by Ronsard set to music by Albert Roussel for voice and flute
- Rossignol, mon mignon
- Ciel, aer, et vens
Une flûte invisible...
Mélodie by André Caplet on a poem by Victor Hugo for voice, flute and piano
The enchanted flute
excerpt from "Shéhérazade" by Maurice Ravel for voice, flute and piano
Work and the power to act
Yves Clot
Professor at CNAM
Chair of Occupational Psychology
Monday, November 15, 2010
7pm, Théâtre de la Commune d'Aubervilliers
2 rue Edouard Poisson (Métro Quatre-Chemins, Bus 150, 170)
Printing: work and knowledge
Roger Chartier
Professor at the Collège de France
Chair of Writing and Cultures in Modern Europe
Monday, December 13, 2010
7pm, Lycée Le Corbusier d'Aubervilliers
44, rue Léopold Réchossière (Métro Quatre-Chemins, Bus 249)
The writer at work
Antoine Compagnon
Professor at the Collège de France
Chair of Modern and Contemporary French Literature
Monday, February 7th, 2011
7pm, Théâtre de la Commune d'Aubervilliers
2, rue Edouard Poisson (Métro Quatre-Chemins, Bus 150, 170)
Work and the economy
Roger Guesnerie
Professor at the Collège de France
Chair of Economic Theory and Social Organization
Monday, March 14th 2011
7pm, Théâtre de la Commune d'Aubervilliers
2, rue Edouard Poisson (Métro Quatre-Chemins, Bus 150, 170)
Work in the face of globalization
Mireille Delmas-Marty
Professor at the Collège de France
Chair in Comparative Legal Studies and the Internationalization of Law
Monday, May 23rd, 2011
7pm, Lycée Le Corbusier d'Aubervilliers
44, rue Léopold Réchossière (Métro Quatre-Chemins, Bus 249)
Work and dignity
Jack Ralite, Senator
Honorary Mayor of Aubervilliers
Monday, June 6, 2011
7pm, Théâtre de la Commune d'Aubervilliers
2, rue Edouard-Poisson (Métro Quatre-Chemins, Bus 150, 170)
Free admission, booking essential on
monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m
Claudine Joseph-Mairie d'Aubervilliers :
Marie-Hélène Lévi-Collège de France:
In partnership with Lycée Le Corbusier, Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional Aubervilliers - La Courneuve CRR 93 and Théâtre de la Commune.
With the support of Fondation EDF DiversiTerre, Fondation Hugot du Collège de France and France Culture.