Work: an expression of the human being

Work and globalization
Mireille Delmas-Marty
Professor at the Collège de France
Chair in Comparative Legal Studies and the Internationalization of Law
7:00 pm, Lycée Le Corbusier d'Aubervilliers
44 rue Léopold Réchossière (metro Quatre Chemins, bus 249)
Artistic program
A musical and theatrical performance to conclude the conference, by Joseph Grau's contemporary improvisation class
Joseph Grau's contemporary improvisation class and Sylvie Debrun's drama class around an excerpt from Thierry Metz's collection "Journal d'un manœuvre" and Dream-Elle n°6 J. Grau's creation dedicated to the Japanese
Free admission
Contacts: Claudine Joseph -Mairie d'Aubervilliers :
Marie-HélèneLévi -Collège de France :