
Microbes without borders

Couverture de l'édition imprimée de l'ouvrage du Pr Philippe Sansonetti "Microbes sans frontière"

Philippe Sansonetti

Microbes sans frontières

This book is a unique compendium of knowledge on microbes. It provides an insight into public health, the world of microbes and the complex relationships that play out at their interface in times of extreme tension. Population ageing, lifestyle changes, hospital-acquired infections, antibiotic resistance, vaccine mistrust, ecological and climatic upheavals and the sustained emergence of new infections, particularly zoonotic ones, are all threatening the public health paradigm established in the 20th century. This paradigm had largely freed industrial societies from the unbearable burden of infectious diseases, and initiated a similar emancipation of the world's disadvantaged regions. One observation dominates : man is both victim and culprit in this crisis, which in all its dimensions is a response to the aberrations of " l'anthropocène ".

The author takes us through the intricacies of this fascinating and ambivalent human-microbe relationship, which requires us to strengthen our means of combating pathogenic microbes, while preserving the essence of microbial ecosystems, as they are essential to the planet's major balances. This is the essence of the concept " a single health ", which should guide our attitude, since humans, animals, plants and microbes all share a single ecosystem : the planet.

The author identifies and analyzes these threats, which transcend geographical, national and even species boundaries.

This book is indispensable for understanding, predicting and acting..

Sansonetti P., Microbes sans frontières, Paris, éditions Odile Jacob, 2024, 384 p.

EAN 13 :9782415007638
Publication : February 7  2024