Following on from the lecture Merit and "meritocracy". Motivating equality or inequality?the colloquium will offer perspectives for analysis and exchange on some of the most central and controversial issues in the contemporary evolution of our societies: the place of meritocracy in theories of social justice; the production and measurement of social mobility, a necessary condition for adherence to the meritocratic ideal; the driving forces behind the most selective academic success and the place occupied by mathematics and science in it; the political stakes of controversies surrounding a merit-based society; the evaluation of the model of merit-based success proposed by sport. A look at non-European societies will serve as an instructive lever for comparison.
Published on 16 May 2022
Conference organized by Pierre-Michel Menger, Chair of Sociology of Creative Work at the Collège de France.
May 24, 2022
Collège de France
Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre
11, place Marcelin-Berthelot
75005 Paris