Published on 20 October 2023

Major events in November 2023

At the Collège de France, lectures are open to all, with no conditions of access or prior registration, subject to availability.

November events at the Collège de France

Opening lectures

Laurent Coulon : Open paths in Egyptology

November 9 2023 at 6 pm Collège de France (amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre) with live webcast on our website.

Benoît Sagot : Teaching languages to machines

November 30 2023 at 6 pm at Collège de France (Marguerite de Navarre amphitheater) with live webcast on our website.

Major events

Collège de France 2023 Awards Ceremony

  • Fondation Hugot du Collège de France Prize
  • Delheim Prize
  • Lacassagne Prize
  • Prix du cours Peccot
  • Anna Caroppo Fellowship - Fondation du Collège de France
  • Collège de France prize for young researchers

Ceremony followed by a round table discussion on the following theme : Young researchers : what's the point of research today ?

November 14 2023 from 18 h 30 to 20 h 30 at the Collège de France (amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre).

Avenir Commun Durable : The city of the future

Series of lectures organized as part of the Avenir Commun Durable initiative by Prs Patrick Boucheron and Philippe Sansonetti.

November 30 and December1 2023 at Collège de France (amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs).


Jean-Pierre Brun : Large-scale wine production for foreign markets in Roman times

November 3 2023 at the Collège de France (amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs).

François Xavier-Fauvelle and Philippe Descola : The Great African Rift at the confluence of time. Regards croisés scientifiques sur l'évolution de la biodiversité, des environnements et des sociétés

November 17 and 18 2023 at the Collège de France (Marguerite de Navarre amphitheatre).

Guest speakers

Justine Lacroix : European values and democratic indeterminacy (4 lectures)

This series of lectures is part of the Collège de France's Europe cycle. In 2023-2024, this cycle is devoted to the theme of Democratic Europe.

November 15, 16, 22 and 23 2023 from 17 h 30 to 18 h 30 at the Collège de France (amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs).

Ralf Michaels : Towards sustainable private law

November 30 2023 from 11 h to 12 h at the Collège de France (room 2).

Lectures and seminars