Published on 20 December 2010

Le Golfe dans tous ses états, cycle des conférences publiques 2011 : IISMM-Collège de France

January 4 - May 31, 2011

Amphithéâtre de l'EHESS, 105 bd Raspail - 75006 Paris
Opening hours : 18h00-20h00
Free admission

january 4 A territory without history? The Arabian Gulf shore from the advent of Islam to the age of oil
Éric Vallet, Senior Lecturer, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne/UMR 8167 Laboratoire Islam médiéval

january 11 Media in the Gulf States: from one revolution to another
Yves Gonzalez Quijano, researcher at the Institut français du Proche-Orient, Damascus

january 18 The Gulf Cooperation Council. Thirty years after its creation: more a family affair than a sub-regional cooperation entity
Fatiha Dazi Heni, PhD in Political Science, associate researcher at the Centre d'études et de recherches internationales

january 25, Shiism in the Gulf
Laurence Louër, research fellow, Sciences Po/CERI/CNRS

february1 History of oil revenues
Henry Laurens, Professor at the Collège de France

february 8 "Doubaï Global": the future of the model in a time of crisis
Bernard El Ghoul, Director of Sciences-Po Menton

march1 Women in Saudi Arabia: between piety and modernity
Madawi al-Rasheed, Professor of Anthropology of Religion at King's College, London

march 8 Museums and the art market in the Arab monarchies of the Persian Gulf
Alexandre Kazerouni, Sciences-Po Paris

march 15 Migration in the Gulf countries in the light of the Saudi case: paradoxes and taboos in the relationship between immigrants, citizens and the welfare state
Hélène Thiollet, political scientist, Université Paris 13 and Oxford University

march 22 Economic relations between the Gulf States and Europe
Thierry Coville, PhD in economics, IFRI

march 29 What prospects for Middle Eastern economies in the aftermath of the crisis?
Pierre Mourlevat, Minister Counsellor for Economic Affairs, Head of Economic Services for the Middle East

april 5 Cultural identity in question in the Gulf countries
Anie Montigny, Senior Lecturer at the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, UMR: "Hommes-Nature-Sociétés " ( Men-Nature-Society Research Unit)

april 26 The Louvre Abu Dhabi, a universal museum in a globalized world
Laurence Des Cars, Scientific Director of Agence France-Muséums, Chief Curator of Heritage

may 3 Islamism in Saudi Arabia
Stéphane Lacroix, lecturer at Sciences-Po Paris

may 10 The founding relationship between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States: the test of time
Pierre Thenard, Foreign Affairs Advisor, Foresight Department, French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs

may 17 Jihadist involvement in the Arabian Peninsula: militant trajectories and examples of radicalization
Dominique Thomas, doctoral student at EHESS and associate researcher at IISMM

may 24 Yemen and the Gulf States: interference and borders
Franck Mermier, CNRS, Institut Interdisciplinaire d'Anthropologie du Contemporain-LAU)

may 31 Pilgrimage to Mecca: permanence and change
Omar Saghi, lecturer at Sciences-Po, Paris