Published on 26 May 2014

Le fonds iconographique François-Franck - June 3, 2014

The study of emotions at the Collège de France in the early 20th century

09:20 Welcome of participants
09:30 Introduction
Anne Chatellier, Claire Guttinger, Sarah Rey, Collège de France
09:40 Recording the "total pulse" of the living world.
The paroxysm of the graphic method by François-Franck
Liborio Dibattista, University of Bari
10:00 Lucienne Chevroton and François-Franck at the Collège de France.
Intersecting portraits of two pioneers of scientific photography
Allison Huetz, École du Louvre
10:20 a.m. Break
10:40 On photographs of blind people in the François-Franck collection: students in institutions, a separation of bodies
Noëlle Roy, Musée Valentin Haüy
11:00 In search of emotion: photography as mirror
Marc Aufraise, University of Paris I
11:20 François-Franck in the tradition of scholarly studies of expression
Stéphanie Dupouy, University of Strasbourg
11:40 Questions and discussion