Published on 19 August 2011

Latest electronic publication: La mondialisation de la recherche. Competition, cooperation, restructuring

collège de France opening symposium

october 14 and 15, 2010

"In France today, we still live with the idea - less and less justified and more and more arrogant - that our capacity for innovation, thanks to the excellence of our teachers, researchers and engineers, and the quality of our infrastructure, is far superior to that of the countries of the South and East. Remember how smugly we said at the time of the first oil crisis: "We don't have oil, but we have ideas Let's face it: we still don't have oil, but we're no longer alone in having ideas and the capacity to exploit them in the form of concrete applications for the benefit of economic and social development. That's what's new. It's a radical and irreversible change to which we'll have to adapt" (Marc Fontecave)

For the future of basic research, globalization raises a whole range of organizational, economic, political, cultural and ethical issues that are crucial. These are the issues addressed by the Collège de France's 2010 opening symposium, La mondialisation de la recherche. Compétition, coopérations, restructurations (October 14 & 15, 2010).

Gérard Fussman