Published on 20 May 2010

June 7 and 8, symposium: Managing Climate Change

Organized by Nicholas Stern and Roger Guesnerie

The symposium comprises two days. The first is devoted to the economics of the long term. It brings together some of the main contributors to the lively debate that climate policy has provoked among economists, a debate that goes back to the principles of economic calculation and the long-term discount rate. The second day focuses on innovation and institutional choices. Once again, renowned speakers will share their views on these subjects. Two Nobel Prize winners in economics will be taking part, Sir J.Mirrlees (discussant, Day 1) and T.Schelling (presenter, Day 2).

Collège de France
11, place Marcelin Berthelot
75005 Paris

All lectures are in English. Simultaneous translation into French will be provided in the Marguerite de Navarre amphitheatre.
The conference will be filmed, and videos will be available in both French and English.