Published on 20 July 2021

Inventing Europe

july 20, 2021

Collège de France opening symposium

October 21 and 22, 2021 - Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre

Europa Prima Pars Terrae in forma Virginis, made in Hanover, 1581 (or 1588)

Calls to "re-found" Europe are multiplying, and the desire for a "rebirth" of Europe is sharpening. Before reinventing Europe, shouldn't we understand when, where, how and by whom it was invented, and thus measure the scope of Europes to be (re)invented? Whether understood as a continent, a region, a civilization, an idea, a set of values and rights, a religion, languages, a myth, a legal order or culture, political institutions and regimes, various international organizations, a body of techniques and sciences, and much more besides, Europe has never ceased to occupy researchers at the Collège de France. Inventing Europe: a fine program for an opening symposium at the crossroads of disciplines.