
Human populations and climate change during the last deglaciation

Horse panel in the Cosquer cave (replica). - Credit : Kleber Rossillon & Région PACA (Wikipedia).

The populations of the Upper Paleolithic witnessed major climatic changes at the end of the last glaciation and during the deglaciation phase. Rapid changes in sea level and temperature disrupted marine and terrestrial ecosystems, which also affected humans of the time. On these subjects, Edouard Bard has given two lectures at the Collège de France, organized two colloquia in Aix-Marseille and participated in a documentary recently broadcast on France 5.

Pr Edouard Bard diving on the submerged lapiaz of the Pierre à la Bague off Marseille. - Photo from the film " Grotte Cosquer, Homo sapiens et la mer " directed by Vincent Pérazio.
Panel of rhinoceroses facing each other in the Chauvet cave. - edouard Bard
Woolly rhinoceros in the Chauvet cave. - edouard Bard
Megaloceros giant stag from the Chauvet cave. - edouard Bard