Published on 25 February 2019

February 28: Les rendez-vous de l'actualité at the Arab World Institute

february 25, 2019

In partnership with the Collège de France, iReMMO, AFP and France Médias monde, the Arab World Institute is launching a new rendez-vous to decipher current events.

Connected to the flow of information, the Rendez-vous de l'actualité is a moment of deciphering, exchange and perspective for all, on the latest events in the Arab world. Set a few days before the event, the subject, question or event discussed will be taken from the region's immediate news, so as to be as close as possible to what's happening.

Thursday February 28 at 7:00 pm:

"The Iraqi state: promises and dangers?"

The international conference for the reconstruction of Iraq ended in Kuwait on February 14. Bringing together more than 70 nations, it showed that the question of the future of the Iraqi state was at the heart of global concerns. Although, after years of war, the reconstruction of the country, a top priority for the Iraqi authorities, finally seems to be making headway, it is not necessarily a guarantee of lasting stabilization. What are the country's political, economic and social challenges? What does the future hold for the Iraqi federal state?


  • Adel Bakawan, Director of the Kurdistan Sociology Center, Soran University

A Franco-Iraqi sociologist, Adel Bakawan specializes in Iraq and the Kurdish question. A lecturer at the University of Evry since 2011, he is also a member of the CADIS-international Center for Sociological Analysis and Intervention, as well as the Turkey and Middle East program at Ifri (Institut français des relations internationales). His next book, L'impossible État irakien (2003 - 2019) will be published in March by l'Harmattan.

  • Hosham Dawod, anthropologist at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (IIAC - CNRS)

Former director of the Iraqi branch of the Institut français du Proche-Orient (Ifpo), he currently represents his home country, Iraq, on the scientific commission of the International Alliance for Heritage Protection in Conflict Zones (ALIPH). A specialist on Iraq, Hosham Dawod has published and coordinated several works, particularly on the question of tribe, ethnicity and power in the Middle East.

  • Anne Poiret, film-maker, reporter (Prix Albert Londres 2007)

Anne Poiret is a frequent contributor to various news magazines, including the alternative investigative media Disclose. For the past 15 years, she has been making documentaries in which she takes a particular interest in the grey areas that emerge after conflicts. After Sri Lanka, Sudan, Libya and Syria, Anne Poiret spent over a year in Iraq following the efforts of Mosul's inhabitants to rebuild their city. Her latest documentary, "Mossoul après la guerre", will be previewed on March 12, 2019 at the 17th FIFDH in Geneva.

Hosted by:

  • Pierre Haski, journalist, Geopolitical columnist on France Inter and L'Obs, Co-founder of Rue89 and President of Reporters sans Frontières (RSF)