Published on 18 February 2020

february 27: Les rendez-vous de l'actualité at the Arab World Institute

february 18, 2020

In partnership with the Collège de France, iReMMO, AFP and France Médias Monde, the Institut du Monde Arabe is launching a new event to decipher current events.

Connected to the flow of information, the Rendez-vous de l'actualité is a moment of deciphering, exchange and perspective for all, on the latest events in the Arab world. Set a few days before the event, the subject, question or event will be drawn from the region's immediate news, to keep as close as possible to what's happening.

Thursday, February 27, 2020 at 7:00 pm:

" Who decides Libya? "

Since 2011 and the fall of the Gaddafi regime, war has still raged in Libya. Tripoli, controlled by Fayez Sarraj, head of the UN-recognized Government of National Accord, has been under siege for 10 months by General Haftar, head of the Libyan National Army. In the absence of agreement within the Security Council, peace initiatives are hampered by the multiplication of parties involved in the conflict. Through their intervention, direct or indirect, supposed or real, many states, including Russia and Turkey, seem to be positioning themselves as major players in the region. In other words, the Libyan conflict has become much more complex and internationalized. Who are the state and non-state actors involved? What are the consequences of their involvement? What are the reasons for the UN's impasse in resolving the conflict? How can we define the commitment of Western and regional powers to this crisis?

Moderated by :

  • Pierre Haski, journalist, geopolitical columnist for France Inter and L'Obs, co-founder of Rue89 and President of Reporters sans Frontières (RSF)


  • Jalel Harchaoui, researcher at the Clingendael Institute

  • Didier Billion, Deputy Director, Institut des relations internationales et stratégiques

  • Patrick Haimzade, independent researcher specializing in Libya