Jean Yoyotte, a leading figure in French Egyptology, passed away on July1 2009. Fifteen years after his death, the Collège de France and the EPHE have joined forces to pay tribute to this great scholar, director of studies at the EPHE (1964-1991), former director of the Tanis Archaeological Mission (1965-1985), and professor at the Collège de France (1991-1997). From June 21 to July 19 2024, an exhibition at the Institut des Civilisations illustrates the life and scientific output of the researcher through photographs, copies of his publications and documents from his archives illustrating his research and working methods.

As we explore these witnesses to his life and work, we can appreciate the full extent of his methodological and intellectual legacy, as well as his influence on the fields of research that developed with him and after him.
The exhibition is held at the Institut des Civilisations du Collège de France, salle Françoise Héritier. 52 rue du Cardinal-Lemoine - 75005 PARIS, fromJune21 toJuly 19 2024. Free admission, Monday to Friday, 9 h-19 h.
Exhibition organized by : Laurent Coulon (Collège de France, EPHE-PSL, AOROC) and Marine Yoyotte (ArScAn).
Exhibition project team : Laurent Coulon, Marine Yoyotte, Sépideh Qahéri, Elsa Rickal, Alexis Szuster.
With the participation of : Cécile Bernal-Beauger, François Leclère, Patrice Le Guilloux, Jean-Michel Yoyotte.
A study day devoted to the intellectual legacy of Jean Yoyotte will take place on July1 2024 at the Institut des Civilisations of the Collège de France.