Published on 27 August 2021

Discover the new teachers for 2021-2022

To mark the start of the new academic year, the Collège de France will be welcoming one new professor (Jean-Jacques Hublin) and eight professors (Alberto Manguel, Yadh Ben Achour, Christian Gollier, Daniel Lincot, Tatiana Giraud, Wendy Mackay and Rémy Slama, in the order of their respective opening lectures). In keeping with the mission of the Collège de France, their lectures are entirely open to the public, with no conditions of access or prior registration, subject to availability of places and applicable health regulations.

Presentations and itineraries...

Professor elected to a Statutory Chair

Jean-Jacques Hublin

After five years as a visiting professor in the international Paleoanthropology of the Homo genus chair, Jean-Jacques Hublin now holds the permanent Paleoanthropology chair .

Paleoanthropologist and author of numerous works on the evolution of Neanderthals and the African origins of modern man, Jean-Jacques Hublin has played a pioneering role in the development of virtual Paleoanthropology, which makes extensive use of medical and industrial imaging techniques, and computer technology to reconstruct and analyze fossil remains. He is also interested in the evolution of growth rhythms and brain development in hominids, and in the history of his discipline.

After a career as a researcher at the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, Jean-Jacques Hublin was appointed Professor at the University of Bordeaux-I (1999). Since 2004, he has been Professor at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig (Germany), where he created the Human Evolution Department. He has taught at the University of California, Berkeley (1992), Harvard University (1997) and Stanford University (1999 and 2011). Since 2010, he has been a regular lecturer at Leiden University (Netherlands). In 2011, he was chosen to be the first president of the newly founded European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (ESHE).

  • Opening lecture date: January 13 , 2022 at 6 p.m. - " Homo sapiens, an invasive species "
  • Date of start of lectures: January 19, 2022 - " Speciation and extinction in the Hominins "

Annual professorships

Alberto Manguel

Alberto Manguel is a Canadian citizen born in Buenos Aires in 1948. He has lived in Israel, Argentina, Italy, England, Tahiti, France and Canada. He is the author of five novels, including Dernières nouvelles d'une terre abandonnée (winner of the McKitterick Prize in England and the Authors' Association Prize in Canada). He is also the author of several essays, including Le Dictionnaire des lieux imaginaires (with Gianni Guadalupi); Une histoire de la lecture (Prix Médicis essai); Dans la forêt du miroir (Prix France Culture); Le Livre d'images; Chez Borges (Prix Poitou-Charentes) and La Bibliothèque la nuit.

Alberto Manguel has been awarded the Premio Germán Sánchez Ruipérez and the Formentor in Spain, and the Alfonso Reyes prize in Mexico, for the body of his critical work. In France, he has won the Prix Roger Caillois, the Prix Médicis essai and the Prix France Culture, and has been elected to the rank of Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres. In 2018 he was awarded the Gutenberg Prize. He holds honorarydoctorates from the universities of Liège (Belgium), Anglia Ruskin, Cambridge (England), Ottawa University and York University (Canada). He is a member of the Academia Argentina de Letras, the Real Academia Española and the Royal Society of Literature in the UK. Alberto Manguel was Director of the National Library of Argentina from 2015 to 2018. He currently directs the Center for Research on the History of Reading (CEHL) in Lisbon.

  • Opening lecture date: September 30, 2021 at 6 p.m. - " Europa: myth as metaphor "
  • Date of commencement of lectures: March 2 , 2022 - " Myth as identity metaphor "

Yadh Ben Achour

Pr Yadh Ben Achour was born on June1, 1945 in La Marsa. He studied law in Tunis and Paris, before obtaining his doctorate in public law in 1974. A member of the Tunisian Constitutional Council, he resigned in 1992. From 1993 to 1999, he was Dean of the Faculty of Legal Sciences at Carthage University.

After the Tunisian revolution, Yadh Ben Achour was appointed President of the High Instance of the Revolution. He is a member of the United Nations Human Rights Committee.

In 2021-2022, Yadh Ben Achour will occupy the annual Francophone Worlds Chair, in partnership with the Agence universitaire de la francophonie (AUF), to give a lecture entitled "Les révolutions dans la pensée et dans l'histoire des faits".

  • Opening lecture: November 4, 2021 at 6 p.m. - "Revolution, a hope"
  • Date of lectures: November 8 , 2021 - " Les révolutions dans la pensée et dans l'histoire des faits " (" Revolutions in thought and in factual history ")

Christian Gollier

Christian Gollier 's research spans the fields of economics of uncertainty, environmental economics, finance, consumption, insurance and cost-benefit analysis, with a particular interest in long-term sustainable effects. He founded the Toulouse School of Economics with Jean Tirole in 2007, and has been its director since 2009 (with a hiatus in 2015-2016). He has published over a hundred articles in international scientific journals. He has also published 7 books on risk, including The Economics of Risk and Time (MIT Press), which won the Paul A. Samuelson Award (2001). In 2012, he published Pricing the Planet's Future with Princeton University Press, which he presented at the6th Arrow Lecture at Columbia University.

Christian Gollier is one of the authors of the4th and5th reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007 and 2013). He also regularly advises several governments (France, UK, USA, Norway...) on their public investment evaluation policies. He is President of EAERE, the European Association of Environmental Economists. His recent book for the general public, Le Climat après la fin du mois (PUF 2019), deals with the importance of taking action in the face of climate change, and has been a great success in France.

  • Opening lecture date: December 9, 2021 at 6 p.m. - " Between the end of the month and the end of the world: economics of our responsibilities to humanity "
  • Lecture start date: January 5 , 2022 - " End of the month and end of the world: how to reconcile economics and ecology? "

Daniel Lincot

Daniel Lincot, born in 1954, is a CNRS researcher and has been involved in photovoltaic solar energy research since 1978, where he has contributed to significant advances. His specialty is the interface between chemistry, materials and photovoltaics. He is the author of over 300 publications and 22 patents. He has also been active as a lecturer, in particular at Chimie Paristech and in various universities and schools.

After studying at the ESPCI, he joined the CNRS at Chimie Paristech in 1980, where he devoted himself to the photoelectrochemistry of semiconductors, then to the development of thin films for photovoltaic applications. This led to the creation with EDF of the Institut de recherche et de développement sur l'énergie photovoltaïque (IRDEP 2005-2018), from which the start-up Nexcis (2009-2015) emerged. In 2013, he helped set up the Institut Photovoltaïque d'Île-de-France (IPVF), of which he will be Scientific Director until July 2019.

His work has been recognized by several awards and distinctions, including the CNRS silver medal in 2004, the Pierre Süe prize from the Société chimique de France (2015), and the Ivan Peychès prize from the Académie des sciences (2020). He takes part in the public debate on renewable energies and is involved in the development of citizen initiatives on the energy transition.

  • Opening lecture date: January 20, 2022 at 6 p.m. - " Solar photovoltaic energy and energy transition "
  • Date of start of lectures: January 26 , 2022 - " The solar resource: from the world to the roof of a home "

Tatiana Giraud

Tatiana Giraud is Director of Research at the CNRS, member of the Académie des Sciences, lecturer at the École Polytechnique, deputy director of the Écologie systématique évolution unit (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, AgroParisTech), CNRS silver and bronze medals, Research prize of the Société française d'écologie et évolution, Fondation Louis D Institut de France prize, responsible for 3 ERC projects and 174 publications in scientific journals.

She studies the diversity of fungi and plants, and the evolutionary mechanisms that enable organisms to evolve, diversify and adapt to their environment. These are fundamental questions for understanding the living world, and this research has applications in trying to prevent the consequences of current global changes. Her work has led to a better understanding of how new plant diseases emerge in natural and agricultural ecosystems.

Tatiana Giraud uses different species of fungi and domesticated plants as biological models to understand the response of organisms to strong selection pressures for rapid adaptation. She has studied the adaptation mechanisms of mushrooms used for cheese ripening. Her work on domesticated species has also revealed the sequence of genetic events at the origin of the cultivated apple tree, involving hybridizations with wild apple trees.

  • Opening lecture date: February 17, 2022 at 6 p.m. - " Biodiversity dynamics and evolution: species formation, domestication and adaptation "
  • Lecture start date: February 21 , 2022 - " Biodiversity and evolution "

Wendy Mackay

Research Director at Inria (Saclay), Wendy Mackay heads up the Ex-Situhuman-computer interaction (HCI) research group , shared with the Laboratoire de recherche en informatique (LRI - Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS). Internationally recognized in this discipline, the researcher is a member of the ACM SIGCHI Academy (Association for Computing Machinery - Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction), has an honorary doctorate from the University of Aarhus in Denmark, and was named ACM Fellow in January 2020. She has also received the Suffrage Science Award from the MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences.

  • Opening lecture date: February 24, 2022 at 6 p.m. - " Reimagining our interactions with the digital world "
  • Lecture start date: March1, 2022 - " Interacting with the computer "

Rémy Slama

Rémy Slama is an environmental epidemiologist and Research Director at Inserm, where he heads the Institut thématique de santé publique and the environmental epidemiology team at the Institut pour l'avancée des biosciences (Inserm, CNRS, Grenoble-Alpes University). He holds a doctorate in epidemiology from the University of Paris-Sud (2002), and is a polytechnician and agricultural engineer.

His work aims to characterize the influence of environmental contaminants (atmospheric pollutants, endocrine disruptors, exposome), particularly in the context of early exposure, on human health (concept of developmental origins of health and disease, or DOHaD). His work on the exposome is based in particular on the European Helix project, which he developed with M. Vrijheid (ISGlobal Barcelona), and the new-generation SEPAGES couple-child cohort supported by the ERC.

He has been an expert for ANSES, the European Commission's Committee on Environmental Risks (SCHEER), is a member of the Board of Directors of Santé publique France; he is a member of the editorial board of the journal Environmental Health Perspectives and leads the Scientific Advisory Board of the National Research Program on Endocrine Disruptors (PNRPE). He is co-author ofaround 100 scientific publications and the book Le Mal du dehors, l'influence de l'environnement sur la santé (Quae, 2017). He received the Tony McMichael Award from theInternational Society of Environmental Epidemiology.

  • Opening lecture date: March 31, 2022 at 6 pm - " Causes and external conditions of disease and health "
  • Lecture start date: April 6 , 2022 - " Relations between human health and the environment in the Anthropocene "

Phuong Bùi Trân (lectures postponed to 2022-2023)

Born in 1950,Ms. Phượng Bùi Trân has been teaching since 1972 in various Vietnamese and French universities, as well as in programs developed by American universities in Vietnam.

Convinced of the value of an interdisciplinary approach to research in the social sciences and humanities, she is fluent in both Vietnamese and French cultures. Her work focuses on the history of colonization as a shared history, taking into account the interaction and mutual influence between colonizers and colonized; the history of women and gender; the history of education and intellectuals; and the history of Vietnamese culture from a comparative perspective with that of China and other Southeast Asian countries.

Ms. Phượng Bùi Trân's opening lecture and lectures are postponed until 2022-2023.

In line with government instructions, presentation of the health pass is essential to attend lectures, events and tours for all people aged 18 and over. This obligation will be extended to all persons aged 12 and over from September 30, 2021. Children aged 11 and over must wear a mask.