
Digital publication of the opening lecture by Prof. Dr. Luigi Rizzi

Couverture de l'édition numérique de la LI du Pr Luigi Rizzi

Luigi Rizzi

Complexity of linguistic structures, simplicity of language mechanisms

" For over sixty years, researchers from all over the world have been collaborating on a vast undertaking to describe and analyze human languages within what has come to be known as "generative linguistics". The founding question of this research program is linked to the unlimited nature of linguistic capacities. It leads to the formulation of hypotheses on syntactic Combinatorics, its invariant core, the mechanisms of variation across languages, and the production of a precise cartography of the structures under study. Although complex, these structures can be reduced to the recursive application of extremely simple mechanisms, the object of study of the Minimalist Program. This field of research is also nourished by very enlightening studies on language acquisition carried out within an interdisciplinary cognitive science framework. "

Rizzi L., Complexité des structures linguistiques, simplicité des mécanismes du langage, Paris, Collège de France/Fayard, coll. " Leçons inaugurales ",no 297, [2021] 2022.

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Luigi Rizzi is a linguist. He has lectured at several European and American institutions (Universities of Siena and Geneva, École Normale Supérieure d'Ulm, MIT, UCLA). In June 2019, he was appointed Professor of General Linguistics at the Collège de France.