
Digital publication of Prof. Sonia Garel's opening lecture

Couverture de l'édition numérique de la LI de Sonia Garel

Sonia Garel

The immune system and brain dynamics

" In the 19th and 20th centuries, discoveries in neurobiology and immunology revolutionized our understanding of how living beings interact with their environment. Despite these advances, it wasn't until the turn of the 21st century that the dogma of the separation between the brain and the immune system was challenged.

Over the last twenty years or so, studies have demonstrated the role of immune cells in the brain, not only in the construction and functioning of brain activity, but also in the onset of neurodegenerative and psychiatric pathologies. It therefore seems essential to cultivate a systemic approach that aims to consider the brain in its evolutionary dynamics and in the more general context of the body. This approach, which also seeks to understand the origins of disease, is a source of hope for the emergence of new therapeutic avenues. "

Garel S., Système immunitaire et dynamique du cerveau. Paris, Collège de France/Fayard, coll. " Leçons inaugurales ",no 301, [2021] 2022.

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Neurobiologist Sonia Garel heads the Brain Development and Plasticity team at the Institut de biologie de l'École normale supérieure (ENS) in Paris. Since 2020, she has been Professor of Neurobiology and the Immune System at the Collège de France.