
Digital publication of Prof. Alain de Libera's opening lecture 

Couverture de l'édition numérique de la leçon inaugurale du Pr Alain de Libera

Alain de Libera

Where is medieval philosophy going?

" Where does medieval philosophy go? It goes where philosophy goes. It goes where philosophy goes. It became medieval after the Middle Ages. It was only philosophy when the Middle Ages were still saeculum modernorum, "century of the Moderns", for those who lived there. Today, it's going where those who wish to relate their history must go. The archaeology of the subject takes us, in any case, through space and time, from the Council of Chalcedon (451 AD) to 18th-century Scottish philosophy, 19th-century Austrian philosophy and, finally, to the "deconstruction of deconstruction" of the third millennium. It is an Averroist project for post-postmodernism. "

de Libera A., Où va la philosophie médiévale, Paris, Collège de France/Fayard, coll. "Leçons inaugurales du Collège de France",no. 274, 2014; digital edition: Collège de France, 2014,

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Alain de Libera is a philosopher. He has taught at theVe Section (Religious Sciences) of the École pratique des hautes études and at the University of Geneva. Since March 2013, he has been Professor of the History of Medieval Philosophy at the Collège de France.