Published on 14 April 2020

Containment exit, or the sum of all hazards

By Philippe Sansonetti

april 14, 2020

La Vie des idées, an online journal attached to the Collège de France's Institut du monde contemporain (hosted team) and directed by Prof. Pierre Rosanvallon, offers a new text by Prof. Philippe Sansonetti on the conditions for leaving confinement, available on the Vie des idées website.

You can also read the full report " The faces of the pandemic " in La Vie des idées.

An intellectual cooperative, a forum for debate and a knowledge workshop, La Vie des idées is an online magazine dedicated to providing high-quality, free and accessible information on intellectual life and editorial news, both French and international, as well as contributions on the major issues of our time, in the form of in-depth essays, interviews and public discussions.