
Conferences as part of the first " Rencontres du Livre de sciences humaines"

February 10 and 11, 2007

  • Espace des Blancs-Manteaux
    48, rue Vieille du Temple
    75004 Paris

Saturday February 10 from 17 h 30 to 18 h 30
Philippe Descola will give a lecture on L' anthropologie de la nature " (followed by a discussion with Frédéric Keck and Gérard Chouquer).

Saturday February 10 from 2 h 30 to 4 h
Stanislas Dehaene will take part in a conference-debate with Vincent Descombes and Dan Sperber on the theme : " Is there a human nature? "

Sunday, February 11 from 2 pm h 30 to 4 pm h
Christian Goudineau, with Jean-Paul Demoule, will give a talk on L' archéologie aujourd'hui, pour quoi faire? "