
Conference : African perspectives on the status of work

AFDT conference at Collège de France

Wednesday, October 18 2023 - 16 h à 18 h
to all, space permitting
11, place Marcelin-Berthelot 75005
Amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé


At a time of crisis in commodity globalization, the fiction of commodity labor promoted by industrialized countries since the 19th century needs to be challenged by hitherto disqualified knowledge and cultures. Such is the case in Africa, where multinational firms and neoliberally-influenced legislation are tending to standardize labor law. In his latest book, Professor Ousmane O. Sidibé calls for a rethinking of the status of work in the light of the societies in which it is embedded. Without idealizing the normative systems inherited from tradition, his research encourages us to see "informal work", empirical knowledge and traditional solidarities in a different light from that of the Western model, which has long reduced them to archaism. By inviting a better understanding of the specificities of African legal culture, the author opens the way to a status of effective work, towards greater social justice.

Conference organized in partnership with theInternational Labour Organization (ILO) and theAssociation française de droit du travail, and under the aegis of Prof. Samantha Besson's International Law of Institutions Chair.