Published on 7 June 2010

Colloque des Pr. Durand et Pr. Römer - La faute et sa punition dans les civilisations orientales, June 21-22

Institut du Proche-Orient du Collège de France, Unité Mixte de Recherche, CNRS n° 7192
Proche-Orient-Caucase : Langues, Archéologie, Cultures
with the collaboration of the Société asiatique

Monday, June 21st 2010

9:45 am under the chairmanship of Jean-Pierre MAHÉ
10:00 Michael GUICHARD
Associate Professor, University of Paris I, ÉPHE, IVe Section, UMR 7192, S.A.
"The treatment of prisoners of war in the 3rd millennium BC"
10:30 Dominique CHARPIN
Director of Studies at ÉPHE, IVe Section, UMR 7192, S.A.
"Fines and punishments in Palaeo-Babylonian archival documents"
11:00 Jean-Marie DURAND
Professor at the Collège de France, ÉPHE, IVe Section, UMR 7192, S.A.
"Surveillance and punishment of slaves in Mesopotamian societies
11:30 Lionel MARTI
CNRS researcher, lecturer at ÉPHE, IVe Section, UMR 7192, S.A.
"La satisfaction du vainqueur. Exhibition of the vanquished in the Neo-Assyrian period"
2:00 pm under the chairmanship of Thomas RÖMER
Professor at Collège de France, UMR 7192, S.A.
Micaël BURKI
ATER, Collège de France, UMR 7192
"Cut wool and shed blood: the time of retribution"
2:30 pm Jean-Daniel MACCHI
Professor at the University of Geneva, UMR 7192
"Preventing the burial of the corpse: some biblical examples of a particularly fearsome punishment"
3:00 pm Jean-Pierre MAHÉ
Member of the Institute, Director of Studies at the ÉPHE, IVth Section, President of the S.A., UMR 7192
"The Urartian shield of Anzaf, the Armenian Mher and the Caucasian myth of the Titan in chains"
3:30 pm François DELPECH
Director of Research, CNRS, UMR 7192, S. A.
"Seduced women and dynastic disasters: atypical topos and Indo-European myth"
4:30 pm under the chairmanship of Mr. Pierre BORDREUIL
Director of Research Emeritus, CNRS
Prof. Bernadette MARTEL-THOUMIAN
University Professor, University of Grenoble 2, UMR 7192, S.A.
"Exile. A paradoxical punishment in the Mamluk state"
5:00 pm Jean-Louis BACQUÉ-GRAMMONT
Director of Research Emeritus, CNRS, UMR 7192, S.A.
"Supplications in the Ottoman Empire in the classical period according to the traveler Evliyâ Çelebî"
17:30 Alexandre TOUMARKINE
Scientific Secretary of the Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes, Istanbul.
"Les Unionistes: une conception originale de la torture dans la Turquie nouvelle (1909-13)?"

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

10:00 am under the chairmanship of M. Dominique CHARPIN
Pierre-Sylvain FILLIOZAT
President of the AIBL, Honorary Director of Studies at the ÉPHE IVe Section, S.A.
"Châtiments d'outre-tombe en Inde et au Cambodge" (Otherworldly punishments in India and Cambodia)
10:30 François MARTIN
Director of Studies at ÉPHE, IVth Section, S. A.
"Torture and punishment under the Six Dynasties (China, 4th-6th centuries)"
11:00 Damien CHAUSSENDE
Post-doctoral fellow, UMR 8155, Centre de Recherche sur les Civilisations de l'Asie Orientale, S. A.
"Being a historian in classical China: a risky profession"
11:30 Pierre MARSONE
Senior Lecturer at ÉPHE, IVe Section, S. A.
"Châtiments et peines en Chine sous la dynastie Khitan (907-1125)" (Punishments and punishment in China under the Khitan dynasty (907-1125))
2:00 pm under the chairmanship of Pierre-Sylvain FILLIOZAT
Didier DAVIN
Doctoral student at ÉPHE, 5th Section
"Caning in the school of Zen"
2:30 pm Julien FAURY
"La conquête des Enfers par Yoshitsune et autres récits de révoltes dans l'au-delà" (Yoshitsune's conquest of the underworld and other tales of revolt in the afterlife)
3:00 pm Matthias HAYEK
Associate Professor, UFR LCAO, Université Paris-Diderot, CRCAO (UMR 8155).
" Divine punishment, karmic retribution and predestination in medieval and modern Japan"
4:00 pm Chaired by Jean-Noël ROBERT
Member of the Institute, Director of Studies at the EPHE, 5th Section, S. A.
François LACHAUD
Director of Studies at the École Française d'Extrême-Orient, S. A.
"Femmes fatales et crimes étranges dans la littérature et les arts du Japon (1853-1945)" (Femmes fatales and strange crimes in Japanese literature and arts (1853-1945))
4:30 pm Jean ESMEIN
Member of the Académie de Marine, S. A.
"Le marchandage des têtes érences: comment l'État moderne de Meiji prit avantageit du droit de vie et de mort des compagnies féodales sur leurs hommes"