Published on 22 April 2021

Collège de France strengthens collaboration with EMBL and IBENS/ENS

april 27, 2021

A new memorandum of understanding has been signed between the Collège de France, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and the Institut de biologie de l'École normale supérieure de Paris (IBENS).

This MOU was fostered by the strong and ongoing collaboration between Collège de France and IBENS, as well as by the shared goal of advancing science and the dissemination of knowledge in several fields for the benefit of society. It follows on from another memorandum of understanding, formalized in 2018 between EMBL and Collège de France.

Prof. Thomas Römer, Administrator of the Collège de France, emphasizes that "this strengthened partnership with EMBL and extended to the École normale supérieure will enable our three institutions to develop biology research capacities at the highest European level, to the benefit of our researchers' careers and a mutual strengthening of our attractiveness".

Edith Heard, Managing Director of EMBL and Professor at Collège de France, adds that "the synergies underway and our shared scientific ambitions have led to the signing of this memorandum of understanding. We are convinced that it will contribute to the creation of a strong and diversified collaborative ecosystem between EMBL and France".

By signing this MOU, the three institutions aim to develop scientific and academic collaboration in research areas of common interest through joint publications, co-organized scientific events, as well as international collaborative funding applications. "This memorandum of understanding is a unique opportunity to strengthen and develop scientific, technical and human exchanges between our three institutions, and to enable the emergence of original and ambitious ideas and projects", says Pierre Paoletti, Director of IBENS.

One of the main objectives of this collaboration is to encourage the mobility and training of researchers, particularly young scientists. Several opportunities will be developed to this end, such as promoting exchanges of fellows at different career levels, and organizing joint training activities. In addition to basic research, this collaboration will focus on challenges affecting science and society through a multidisciplinary approach.

EMBL is the reference laboratory for life sciences in Europe. Founded in 1974, EMBL is an intergovernmental organization supported by 27 member states, 2 future member states and 2 associate member states.

Basic research in molecular biology at EMBL aims to better understand the history of life. The organization also provides services to the scientific community, trains the next generation of scientists, and works towards greater integration of the life sciences in Europe.

EMBL is international, innovative and interdisciplinary. More than 1,800 people from over 80 countries work at the 6 sites in Grenoble (France), Hamburg (Germany), Heidelberg (Germany), Hinxton (UK), Rome (Italy) and Barcelona (Spain). Scientists work in independent groups, leading research projects and providing services in all areas of molecular biology.

EMBL research leads to the development of new technologies and methods in the life sciences. The organization ensures that the knowledge developed in the laboratory benefits society as a whole.