Published on 17 July 2019

Collège de France congratulates its professors and researchers, winners of the ANR's 2019 call for generic projects

july 17, 2019

The Collège de France is delighted that Professor Jean-Marie Tarascon, holder of the Chemistry of Materials and Energy chair, Muriel Lombard, researcher in the Chemistry of Biological Processes research unit, Nathalie Rouach, researcher at the Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Biologie and Marco Schiro, head of the Theory of Quantum Matter out of Equilibrium team at the Institut de Physique, have been successful in the ANR's 2019 generic call for projects.

BALWISE project

Professor Jean-Marie Tarascon will coordinate the award-winning BALWISE project (Aqueous Li batteries using superconcentrated electrolytes).

Thanks to their exceptional performance, Li-ion batteries have become an integral part of our society. However, lowering their cost and making them more environmentally friendly remain two major challenges. The recent discovery of salt-concentrated aqueous electrolytes (WISE) to open up the potential window of water beyond 1.23 V has raised great hopes. But how viable is this approach? This is what BALWISE will attempt to answer.

NonEQuMAT project

Marco Schiro will coordinate the award-winning NonEQuMAT project (Quantum Matter Out of Equilibrium: from Theory to Quantum Simulation).

The aim of the NonEQuMat project is to address fundamental theoretical questions in the field of non-equilibrium quantum matter physics, underlying the behavior of important emerging platforms for quantum simulation and technologies, ranging from ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices, to Rydberg arrays and coupled quantum circuits.

O2-taboo project

Murielle Lombard is a partner in the award-winning O2-taboo project (independent hydroxylation of O2 and anaerobic synthesis of ubiquinone, coordinated by Fabien Pierrel).

The O2-taboo project aims to understand how the biosynthesis of a universal quinone essential to life, ubiquinone (or coenzyme Q), functions in the absence of oxygen, in the model bacterium Escherichia coli. In particular, he will seek to better understand the molecular mechanism of an anaerobic hydroxylation reaction, in which the source of oxygen is neither molecular oxygen02 nor water. This would represent an unprecedented chemical reaction.

The Project comprises 3 groups:

  • Dr Fabien Pierrel (TIMC-IMAG, UMR5525, UJF-Grenoble): physiology and phylogeny.
  • Dr Murielle Lombard (Chemistry of Biological Processes Laboratory, UMR8229, Institut de Chimie, Collège de France): structural biochemistry and enzymology.
  • Pr Frédéric Barras (sAME, Microbiology Department, Institut Pasteur): microbiology and genetics.

MicroSenso project

Nathalie Rouach is a partner in the award-winning MicroSenso project (Microglia in the assembly of inhibitory circuits during critical sensory periods, coordinated by Sonia Garel).

Prenatal inflammation is a risk factor for neurodevelopmental diseases. But the early neuro-immune interactions influencing brain wiring remain to be elucidated. Thanks to expertise in development, advanced imaging, electrophysiology and behavior, the MicroSenso project, carried out in collaboration with the teams of S. Garel (ENS, Paris) and E. Audinat (IGF, Montpellier) will enable us to understand how neuroimmune interactions sculpt the brain in normal and pathological conditions.