Study Day organized by François Delpech and Bernard Sergent (UMR 7192)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Collège de France
Hall 4
11, place Marcelin-Berthelot
75005 Paris
Morning session (10am-12pm)
Presentation by Professor Jean-Marie DURAND
François QUEYREL (EPHE, 4th section)
"The image of the Galatians in Greek art"
Pierre-Yves LAMBERT (EPHE, 4th section)
"Galatian linguistic curiosities
Afternoon session (14h-17h)
"Celts in Anatolia before the Galatians: new documents"
Marco V. GARCIA QUINTELA (University of Santiago de Compostela)
" Galatians and Gauls: a comparative analysis of Celtic political systems"
"Neohellenic folklore and Celtic reminiscences in some medieval legends from Asia Minor"