
Beyond employment

Alain Supiot

Beyond employment

What future for labor law in a profoundly changing economy and society?

In 1999, Alain Supiot presided over the drafting of a report commissioned by the European Commission on "the transformation of work and the future of labor law in Europe". Based on a comparative analysis of sociological, economic, legal and managerial developments in the organization of work in member countries, this report put forward a number of strong proposals for the renewal of what was then known as the European social model. Translated into several languages, it has become a "classic" over the years, contributing to renewed debate on the employment crisis, and is still referred to by managers and analysts of all stripes. Alain Supiot offers us an updated reading of this report, which outlines the path to a genuine reform of labor law. Since the turn of the century, the transition to the euro, the enlargement of the European Union, the financialization of the economy, the 2008 crisis... have led to the abandonment of all social ambitions and the reduction of labor law to a factor of adjustment to the constraints of globalization. In the face of this renunciation, this book takes into account the central place that work - in the diversity and topicality of its forms - occupies in the institution of man and society, and helps us to think through a political project for greater social justice.

Supiot A., Au-delà de l'emploi, Paris, éditions Flammarion, " Collection Essais ", 348 p.

ISBN : 9782081382862
Publication : 2  March 2016