Published on 18 March 2009

artistic creation in the face of political and religious constraints (from himâlaya to central asia from antiquity to the present day), april 27 and 28, 2009


Monday April 27, 2009

9:00 Gérard FUSSMAN: Introduction
9:15 Philip DENWOOD, SOAS, London
Inscriptional and other evidence on the dates of the foundation and reconsecration of the temples at Alchi, Ladakh
9h50 Marjo ALAFOUZO, London
The iconography and the historical context of the drinking scene in the Dukhang at Alchi, Ladakh
10h45 Matthew KAPSTEIN, EPHE, Paris
The oracle and the Temple of Lamo-tchok in 18th-century Tibet
11:30 Nathalie BAZIN, Musée Guimet, Paris
Politico-religious influences in painted representations of the kingdom of Shambhala, Tibet
12:15 pm Lunch
2:00 Marta SERNESI, Università di Roma La Sapienza
The patronage of Tsong kha pa by the Phag mo gru pa and the beginning of printing in Tibet based on an illustrated text from the Tucci Collection
14h45 Cameron David WARNER, Dickinson College, Carlisle, USA
About replicas of the Lhasa Jowo Shakyamuni statue
15h45 Deborah SOMMER, Gettysburg College, USA
Confucius in Tibet
16h30 Will TULADHAR-DOUGLAS, University of Aberdeen, U.K.
About the varying iconography of Ganesha in Kathmandu Valley and its causes
5:15 pm Nathalie GYATSO, La Réunion, text read by Françoise Robin
Contemporary painting in Lhasa, or the refusal of constraints
6:00 pm Marialaura Di MATTIA-POLICHETTI, Universita 'La Sapienza', Roma
An itinerary in the art and architecture of Western Tibet
18:45 End of first day

Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

9h15 Henri-Paul FRANCFORT, Directeur de Recherche au CNRS, Paris
Imposed and free figures in the arts of Central Asia in the Bronze Age
10:00 Frantz GRENET, Director of Research, CNRS, Paris
New iconographic data on royal protocol in pre-Islamic Iran
11:00 Monika ZIN, University of Munich
Manichaeism on the Buddhist Silk Road
11:45 Laure FEUGÈRE, Musée Guimet, Paris
Portraits of donors and an aspect of Kshitigarbha in Dunhuang, after the Tibetan occupation
12:30 Lunch
2:15 pm David Neil SCHMID, North Carolina State University, USA
More light on the Six Ways: about representations of destinies (gati) in Dunhuang
3:00 Paola VERGARA CAFFARELLI, University of Genoa
Artistic creations of the Eastern Church confronted with political and religious constraints in Central Asia, from the 6th to the 14th century
4.00 pm Massimiliano A. POLICHETTI, Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale 'Giuseppe Tucci' - Rome
The Dragon (druk) in Himalayan Symbology.
16:45 Nathalie GAUTHARD, Université de Nice
Tibetan ritual dances of exile put to the test of globalization
5:30 pm Isabelle HENRION-DOURCY, Université Laval, Canada
Tibetan theater in the People's Republic of China: strategies for preservation, hybridization and heritage recognition.
6:15 pm Lara MACONI, INALCO, Paris
From the "cult of poetry" to literary activism. The literary, spiritual and political journey of 'Od zer, a Chinese-speaking Tibetan writer
7:00 pm Conclusion