Published on 17 June 2016

(06/17/2016) CNRS Innovation Medal 2016: Marin Dacos, director of the Center for Open Electronic Publishing


"On the occasion of his 2016 Innovation Medal, awarded by the CNRS, Marin Dacos retraces his career. A computer scientist and historian by training, Marin Dacos heads the Centre pour l'édition électronique. A pioneer of open-access online publishing, he is today one of the heralds of digital humanities. He created the platform, which brings together over 400 journals, and Calenda, which broadcasts over 30,000 scientific events. He founded Cléo, which created Hypotheses, home to over 1,500 scientific blogs, and OpenEdition Books, one of the leaders in the electronic distribution of research works. Together, OpenEdition received 64 million visits in 2015."

In July 2010, the Collège de France inaugurated the online availability of four collections on the portal, which became Open Edition in 2011, when this portal split in two, with the opening of OpenEdition Books. This new space specifically dedicated to digital books aims to build an international library for digital humanities.