Michael Edwards - Outdoor activities


Thursday May 23 at 7pm, a reading of poems (in English) from his new collection At the Brasserie Lipp, followed by a Q&A session hosted by Marc Poré.

  • British Council
    9 rue de Constantine
    75007 Paris

On June 20 at 6pm, a presentation/reading of Capitales, books of poems, with drawings by Pascale Hémery.

  • Dominican Convent
    222 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré
    75008 Paris


New paths to knowledge

Adèle van Reeth's program (December 9, 2016)

" In his "Dialogues singuliers sur la langue française" (Singular Dialogues on the French Language), British and nonetheless academic Michael Edwards ponders his dual relationship to English and French. "

The dreamy night of... Michael Edwards

By Christine Goémé - With Michael Edwards (January 6, 2013)
Directed by Virginie Mourthé

Bible and poetry

Conversation with Michel Petrossian (November 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2013)

Radio Fréquence Protestante