Share Facebook LinkedIn Bluesky Threads Copy url Marc Henneaux - External lectures Statutory lectures in France and abroad Back to the Chair home page 2024-2025 ItalyUniversity of Trento*On 11, 12 and 13 February 2025, a series of lectures (3h) on: Recent Topics in Gravity and Gauge Theories.*Under an agreement signed with Collège de France. 2023-2024 ChilePontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, SantiagoBetween November 2023 and January 2024, a series of lectures (12h) on: Asymptotic Structure of Gravity. South AfricaUniversity of Pretoria*In April -May 2024, a series of lectures (5h) on: Topics in Gravity.*Under an agreement signed with Collège de France. 2022-2023 Czech RepublicCharles University, PragueIn September 2022, three lectures on:September 21, 2022: Three-Dimensional Gravity on Spaces with Multiple Boundaries;September 23, 2022: The asymptotic structure of gravity at spatial infinity-the Hamiltonian description;September 27, 2022: Spacelike (cosmological or black hole) singularities.*Under an agreement signed with Collège de France Chair Marc Henneaux Fields, Strings and Gravity 2019 - today