In-between time

A free, collective digital journal of current history, attached to Patrick Boucheron's Chair in the History of Powers in Western Europe, 13th-16th centuries.


Entre-Temps magazine logo

Entre-Temps is a digital journal of current history, collective and entirely free of charge, attached to Patrick Boucheron's chair at the Collège de France, inaugurated in October 2018.

Entre-Temps is a public history service in the form of an open space dedicated to a plural, joyful, interdisciplinary and intermedial history. It's a space for exchange, debate, creation and production.
Entre-Temps aims to showcase diverse content (exclusive or harvested from the internet). Our aim is to make visible the diversity and inventiveness of new forms of writing about history, by identifying, promoting and connecting them.
One ofEntre-Temps ' challenges is to offer a rich and diverse view of the ways in which history is constructed and unfolded. Our magazine offers a glimpse behind the scenes, into the " how it's done " of research, writing and dissemination. It focuses less on " finished products " than on the paths taken, the approaches followed and the methods unfolded. This is one of its original features, which makes it a public history service : to enable everyone to discover how an issue and an object are made, be they books, films, exhibitions or works of art. The dynamics and processes involved are just as important as the results. Entre-Temps is an en-cours of history, a journey in its action in the present.
The intermedial dimension is crucial in the way we show construction sites and the making of buildings. One ofEntre-Temps ' particular strengths is that it enables dialogues to take place between different universes, all of which take history as their object. They may be researchers, teachers, archivists, writers, painters, visual artists, film-makers or documentary filmmakers. What's essential is that they work together, exchanging ideas and complementing each other's work, sometimes even, why not, in the tensions that can arise from their divergent approaches and interests.